Signalling, Trackwork
Items selected: Total cost:Michael Rhodes [Publisher: Platform 5 2016] Hardback 288 pages
A much enlarged and updated edition of the same author's "IIlustrated History of British Marshalling Yards", published by OPC in 1988. Apart from the near extinction of the subject in Britain, Michael has gathered a huge amount of new information on the whole subject from both research of official documents and publications unavailable in 1988 and also from other followers of the subject. The result is a fascinating record of its subject, covering every relevant location in the UK, together with a final chapter on the continuing existence and development of these installations in the rest of the World. Profusely illustrated in both colour and black and white and featuring extensive plans, this is a truly definitive work on its subject.
David L Smith [Publisher: Great Western Study Group 2019] Hardback 400 pages
An encyclopaedic record and description of the signalling of the Great Western Railway, profusely illustrated with a wide variety of photographs of the prototype and also including very clear and extensive scale drawings of signal arms, fittings, brackets, posts and more besides. Signalling practice after Nationalisation is covered with the illustrations and story continuing into the recent past on the national railway network. There is very much to like about this book, containing so much detail as it does on such a visually appealing subject, and a nice feature is also the inclusion in chapter 15 of a "case study" covering Brent Station in South Devon, which is already quite a popular subject for railway modellers. Many more prototype locations are given much more than a passing mention, while the more general subjects of signal sighting and the location of signals is also given good coverage. If you are a modeller of the WR and its forebears and have a serious interest in signalling and laying out your model corectly then I would think this book is an invaluable source of information that you will wish to have at hand. It is also an attractive record of just how different the railway and particularly the Western used to look.
Edward Dorricot [Publisher: Signalling Record Society 2016] Hardback 256 pages